About me

My story

"When life offers you lemons, you might as well make lemonade! »
Catherine Grégoire

My story has many beginnings, but I will tell you that the moment when many things changed for me was when I began my career transition to become a full-time hypnotherapist after several years of working in customer service (banking, theatres, call centre, technology services… I tried them all). I had built a wonderful clientele and was ready to take the big leap towards this autonomy as a therapist. But, as you know, life likes to surprise us and I was diagnosed with a lung mass after experiencing constant chest pain. In your early thirties, being told that you have a dangerous lung mass without being a smoker is a pretty special situation, I would say!

I went through multiple tests and surgery to regain this healing of the physical body. After a major operation, the magician-fingered surgeon was able to save my lung, but when I woke up, a new surprise presented itself to me. My voice wasn’t the same as before! A maneuver that will remain unknown caused a partial paralysis of my vocal cords which no longer allows me to practice hypnotherapy full time...Well that's what I thought for 2 years. I am now happy to be able to come back into hypnotherapy and offer this service online, in the comfort of your home.

Through this life experience, I learned a lot about the importance of the physical body, and also about our subtle bodies, which can also be called energy field or aura. It is with this enthusiasm that I returned to school to study color therapy, chakras, aura, mindfulness and more.

I wish to accompany people who want to strengthen this connection with the totality of their being, both the conscious and subconscious as well as our physical and subtle bodies, in order to find this balance of life.

Training :

Hypnotherapy - École de formation professionnelle en hypnotisme du Québec

Metatron Colour Healing™ Level 1 and Level 2 - Amanda Ellis

Colour Therapy - School of Natural Health Science

Aura & Chakra Energy Healing - School of Natural Health Science

Mindfulness - School of Natural Health Science

Emotional Intelligence - Goleman EI

Dream therapy (in progress) - School of Natural Health Science

Why Solutions Esoterra

This name Esoterra, came to me during a meditation where I was connecting with Archangel Metatron's energy on my birthday.

Yin Yang

There can be several interpretations of its meaning, but here is what I feel about this name: "Between heaven and earth" ... The "Yin and Yang"... The "Female and Male" all these terms are complementary energies and I wish to offer a complementary energy to your life path. Although Eso does not mean sky, for me Eso speaks of esoteric which is connected to the universe - the cosmic sky. With Terra, we can also hear the word Earth.

Koi fish symbole - Symbole du poison Koi

So, at the first level, I feel what one of my teachers often mentions: " As above so below " - Amanda Ellis.

Another interpretation is that Eso comes from Greek, meaning "inside" and Terra comes from Latin, for Earth. These two great nations, the Greeks and the Romans, have given us great culture, philosophy and spiritual gifts, which I wish to honor.

So, to properly connect within ourselves, while keeping this strong bond with the Earth, which is also our home, is for me an important sign of this life balance.

And you, what is your interpretation of this name: Esoterra?

Who is it for?

From Quebec to Australia, I can accompany you. My services are offered in French and English.

This is currently offered remotely, offline (audio and email) or via video conferencing.

Remote accompaniment, how does it work?

I am mainly interested in accompanying people who wish to strengthen their life balance in connection with wellness management, the cleansing of your energy field (chakras and aura), the activation of the higher chakras and the light body as well as ancestral and past life cleanse.

All sessions are audio recorded unless a special request is made for a live video meeting. I will send you a post-session audio and an email summarizing what was done during the session.

Plan to have one hour alone in a quiet setting within 72 hours of the selected appointment time to receive the energies of the session.

Formations suivies

Hypnothérapie - École de formation professionnelle en hypnotisme du Québec

Thérapie par couleur - School of Natural Health Science

Mindfulness (Pleine Conscience) - School of Natural Health Science

Intelligence Émotional - Goleman EI

Qigong - White Tiger Qigong

Qigong Teacher Training - Rock Forest Taiji & Qigong School

Pourquoi Solutions Esoterra

Ce nom Esoterra, m'est venu lors d’une méditation où je me connectais avec l’Archange Metatron, le jour de ma fête.

Il peut y avoir plusieurs interprétations de sa signification, mais voici ce que je ressens face à ce nom : « Entre le ciel et la terre »... Le « Yin et Yang »... Le « Féminim et Masculin » tous ces termes sont des énergies complémentaires et je souhaite offrir une énergie complémentaire à votre cheminement de vie. Bien que Eso ne veut pas dire ciel, pour moi Éso parle d’ésotérique qui est relié à l’univers - le ciel cosmique. Avec Terra, nous pouvons aussi entendre le mot Terre.

« As above so below »

(comme là-haut, il y a ci-bas)

Une autre interprétation est que Eso provient du grec, qui veut dire « à l’intérieur » et Terra vient du latin, pour Terre. Ces deux grandes nations, les Grecs et les Romains, nous ont offert de grands cadeaux culturels, philosophie et spirituel, chose que je souhaite honorer.

Alors, de bien se connecter à l’intérieur de nous, tout en gardant ce fort lien encré à la Terre, qui est aussi notre maison est pour moi un signe important de cet équilibre de vie.

Et vous, quelle est votre interprétation de ce nom : Esoterra ?

Pour qui?

Mes services sont offerts en français.

Mon bureau à Granby (Québec, Canada) pour les séances d'Hypnothérapie.

Mes cours de Qigong peuvent aussi être en personne à Granby ou en ligne, avec Zoom

Planifier que vous devez avoir une heure à vous seule dans le calme, où vous ne serez pas dérangé si nous nous rencontrons en ligne.