What is Qigong?
Qi means Energy gong means "the refine skills". In short, this means that the art of Qigong is the expertise in handling vital energy.
This technique has evolved for over 500 years.
The benefits of practicing Qigong?
This type of exercise is all the more beneficial, no matter what your age, since we move gently and firmly on our feet (no swinging on the arms).
Where did I complete my Qigong training?
I am in the process of becoming a Qigong teacher since 2020. I started my education with the Qigong school White Tiger Qigong which was developed by Master Tevia Feng and combines ancient Taoist Qigong, Chinese medicine and modern sports science.
I am currently with the school Forest Rock Taiji & Qigong with Master Pete Caughey. The latter school offers a gentler approach to Qigong and Master Pete Caughey also has a lot of knowledge in Tai Chi and Chinese medicine, having been an accupuncturist for many years.
What kind of Qigong set can I have in my classes?
I offer a mix of 3 Qigong sets, namely : Shi Ba Shi Qigong, The 5 elements and Heaven on earth.
What can Qigong help me with?
Each posture has an organ and meridian to associate with, but here are also the general physical applications*. :
Shi Ba Shi :- Blood pressure
- Knee Arthritic Pain
- Lower Back Pain
- Mental and Emotional Disturbances
- Insomnia
- Digestion Dysfunctions
- Weight Loss
- Heart Conditions
- Asthma
The 5 Elements :
- Asthma
- Lower Back Pain
- Hair loss and night sweating
- Impotency & Infertility
- Digestion Dysfunctions
- Emotional Imbalances
Heaven on Earth :
- Body Aches
- Digestion Dysfunctions
- Emotional Disturbances
- Mental Confusion
- Fatigue (physical and mental)
More information on Chinese medicine:
With Qigong, you can work with the 5 elements of Chinese medicine and the movements related to these elements:
Element | Water | Metal | Wood | Earth | Fire |
Colour | Blue/Black | White | Green | Yellow | Red |
Yin Organ | Kidneys | Lungs | Liver | Spleen | Heart |
Yang Ogan | Urinary Bladder | The large intestine | Gallbladder | Stomach | Smalll Intestine |
Emotion | Fear | Grief | Anger | Anxiety | Joy |
Direction | North | West | East | Center | South |
Season | Winter | Autumn | Spring | Late summer | Summer |
Time | 3pm - 7pm | 3am - 7am | 11pm - 3am | 7am - 1am | 11am - 3pm |
*Be sure to consult your doctor if you have any doubts about your ability to do Qigong.
"Voilà plus de 10 jours depuis que j'ai expérimenté l'hypnose quantique. Après le rendez-vous, l'effet d'apaisement a été immédiat, mais je doutais que ça allait demeurer bien longtemps. À ma grande surprise, je me sens beaucoup plus en confiance et en "lâcher prise" prise au quotidien depuis mon rendez-vous. De plus, je m'endors plus vite le soir, mon sommeil est plus profond et récupérateur. (Ma montre Fitbit me le confirme). Une expérience qui a été fort appréciée et bénéfique, autant pour le corps que pour l'esprit! Merci Catherine!" - Noémie
"J’ai trouvé très intéressant à quel point les réponses aux questions que Catherine me posait, alors qu’on se promenait dans mes vies antérieures, venaient facilement. Je voyais bel et bien, de façon très claire, un environnement que je ne connais pas. Ça m’a permis de comprendre certains défis que je vis, qui doivent certainement se trainer d’une vie à l’autre… J’ai aussi été surprise de pouvoir répondre par moi-même (au nom de mon Soi) aux questions qui piquent ma curiosité. Certaines d’entre elles ont déjà pu être confirmées dans ma vie." - Michèle